Friday, December 11, 2009

Poly Christmas dinner

This year our director decided to take the staff out to a nice dinner for Christmas. We went to a steak buffet that had just opened in Sadang. This was the interior of the restaurant -- in the back was the salad bar which included this cheesy pasta with potatoes that was to die for.

We had not adequately prepared ourselves for the gluttony that ensued. Below is a shot (by Ellen) of the plate we received. Little did we know that they would come out with steak after steak this size or bigger... all different cuts of meat and seasonings... Since being in Korea, Mark and I have not eaten huge portions of red meat like this, and found it hard to eat this much meat in one sitting.

But we really tried. :)

Afterwards, we went with some co-workers to a bar and a Noraebang to burn off some of those calories.

It ended up being a really fun night. Hard to believe it's almost Christmas. After Christmas break, it'll only be a couple short months until we're back home!

1 comment:

Dad said...


It's nice to read that you have "coming back home" on your mind. I wonder how easily you will be able to leave the friends you have made there. By the way, for the uninitiated, what is a "Noraebang"?? I don't remember seeing one of those when we were in Korea. Our best to you both!!!