Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Magic

K: After many children-less Christmases, Mark and I had forgotten how magical Christmas is for these little guys. We've had so much fun talking with our classes about the holiday. Man, seeing the excitement on their faces is priceless.

Today was hands-down one of my favorite days as a teacher. I spent my morning discussing exactly how the whole Santa and flying reindeer thing works with the kiddos. Check out the video to see some of my 5 year old class's Christmas wishes and their explanations of how reindeer can fly. LOVE IT!

Also, I'm not sure if you remember my video post from about 8 months ago of my class, but isn't it amazing how much they've progressed in English? It's crazy to think that this is their second language, and most of them can already read, write, and speak fairly fluently.


Dad said...


The video is priceless. Some of my colleagues here at the library enjoyed it as well. I wonder if you were allowed to tell them about the real reason for the season. Are they aware of the Christmas narrative from the Gospels or is that something you would avoid? The kids are so bright and lively. Keep up your good work, dear!!

Chloe Jefferies said...

Kay is so kind to share with me this link. It's soooooo sweet!!! Thank you for posting and sharing the great experience!