Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Different strokes

Today we graduated from Sogang Level 3. Whew.

Mark and I have been having some discussions lately about what we should do next. We want to return to the States in May or June. So with 3(ish) months left in Korea, we've been trying to decide our final "learn as much Korean as we can" game plan.

And today, it finally came to be that our paths will diverge.

Two weeks ago, Mark decided that the best way for him to learn is through language exchanges, supplementary material, and self-studying Korean. Sogang was good for getting him started, but now he wants more "real life" conversational practice. And once he made that decision, he signed up for an awesome language exchange website, Conversation Exchange, met several great Korean people, and never looked back.

I, on the other hand, have been waffling back and forth. I originally thought I'd follow the same path as Mark. For one thing, it'd be cheaper than paying another semester of tuition (especially since I only could qualify for one free semester on scholarship from InKAS). So I met with one girl. And then I freaked out about exams and cancelled the rest of the scheduled meetings so I could study instead.

So for our language exchange scorecards so far, they read: Mark: 6+... Me: 1. Uh, not cutting it.

Today after graduation, Mark and I had a talk which resulted in me creating a pro-con list. Basically, based on my personality, I've concluded need the structure of a classroom setting with tests to keep me focused, and set curriculum that will push me.

So I will continue on to Sogang Level 4. And Mark will seek "real world" learning through Korean friends and self-study. I'm going to miss having him in the program, and talking about different lessons and tests, but based on our learning styles, I think this is the best way for us to reach our joint goal of learning to speak Korean. So, here we go..... ::deep breaths::


Troubled Seoulite said...

Congrats to the both of you's. Wow, you guys have such great understanding of each other. Best of luck on your continuation of the language.

Moa said...

Congrats! Ok this will sound like a REALLY stupid question, but are sure you're not eligible for more scholarship from InKas or Goal? Cuz InKas offered me 2 scholarships in a row besides the one I applied for!